
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Our Beautiful Birthday Girls!

Big sister turned 15 years old on April 5, 2014.  I cannot believe around this time next year she will be driving and dating, ack! Where has the time gone? She is growing up to be an incredible beautiful young woman!  
For big sister's 15th birthday, her friends took her to Denny's for breakfast.  Then she went shopping with a friend to the mall with some birthday cash. Her young woman leaders decorated our front door and gave her a cupcake. She got clothes, a curling iron, Tarzan, bow, iTunes card, ear phones, candy, and body sprays. As a family, we went to Olive Garden for dinner and ate a High School Musical chocolate cake for dessert.  She was very embarrassed when the Olive Garden staff sang Happy Birthday to her.
Little sister turned 11 years old on April 15, 2014. I can hardly believe this is her last year of primary.  Next year she will be a young woman and in six grade, weep! She is becoming a gorgeous young woman! I love her smile and curly long hair!
For little sister's 11th birthday, we made her favorite dinner cheeseburger soup and a yummy cookie dough ice cream cake! She got some clothes, Crazyloom, shoes, candy, iTunes card, belts, pens, bows, Frozen, and Tear Up This Book (a fun tween activity book).  As a family, we watched Frozen with her. Later that week, she and her Daddy went to Nickelcade to play games etc as a late birthday activity!
They both had marvelous birthdays!

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