
Thursday, April 03, 2014

March Madness

Not Another Hospital Stay!
On March 10, 2014, little bro went to Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City for a ph probe test. It was an overnight test. We were both miserable staying at the hospital because they woke us up a lot and Little bro hated the probe down his throat. In fact, he pulled the tube out and they put "no no" socks over his hands. The best part of being there was a late night wagon ride and a trip to the playroom on the 3rd floor.  Little bro was very sad while there and when he finally got the tube out he was happy again. His test results came back normal, which means he doesn't need a nissen fundoplication procedure done while he gets a g tube surgically inserted.  I still wonder why he continues to cough, gag, and vomit while eating or drinking... He also continues to struggle to gain weight.  There has to be something going on to cause those symptoms if it's not GERD (acid reflux) unless his Zantac is helping him control the acid from coming up. 
Choir Concerts
Big Sister had her chamber choir concert on March 21, 2014 while little sis had a choir concert on March 27, 2014, which she sang many Disney songs.
Little bro is 10 months old!
 Milestones: He is slowly making progress but not gaining much weight. He is starting to drink from a straw but seems hyper sensitive to certain food textures such as macaroni, cottage cheese, cheese, thicker purees, etc.  I'm hearing a little more babbling sounds, but he is not improving much on gross motor skills yet (no signs of crawling, pulling up to stand, or walking). He is doing well developmentally in cognitive or social skills such as putting blocks in and out of a bucket, clapping, etc. We are working on waving bye bye. He seems timid or shy around strangers and always prefers Mommy over anybody else.
After School Programs
The girls signed up for after school programs. Big Sis volunteered to help out with the track team. She is a track manager who assists the coaches and attends the track meets. As for little sis, she has been enjoying her water coloring art class.

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