
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

On the 4th,5th,and 6th Days Before Christmas

December 19-21, 2010

On the sixth day before Christmas, we got dressed up in Christmas colors attire for church. We had a wonderful sabbath day (loved the ward choir and Christmas messages).

On the fifth day before Christmas, we took my youngest daughter to her follow up Dr. appointment for her kidney infection. The doctor was impressed how well she looked! I am happy to report she is doing much better and free from any kidney infection symptoms! Yay!

Next, I went to the DMV to get my driver's license renewed since it was expiring the next day while John went to get groceries. Yes, I am a last minute kind of girl!!! I work well under pressure apparently! There was a crazy wait at the DMV with long lines, paper work, etc! I had to bring many documents to prove that I am a legal American citizen. Our state is really cracking down on this issue. In fact, the lady who was looking over my documents asked another worker if my social security card was legitimate! Seriously? She is suspicious that I am a fake just because my social security card is like 14 years old? Hello... Really? Luckily, her co-worker said it was okay, geez! I have no idea what I would do if they thought I was a fraud!

Later that same day we went to Sandy to ride on the UTA Trax Train to downtown Salt Lake City to see Temple Square's Christmas Lights.

Here we are on the train ride to downtown Salt Lake City! The girls loved being on the train! It was so worth the cost of buying train tickets instead of trying to find a place to park near Temple Square! It was sooooo crowded that night!!!

While on Temple Square, we went to eat dinner at The Lion House Pantry, which was Brigham Young's home once upon a time ago. Thanks to my father and mother in-law, I used my birthday money to buy some good family style home cooking! Some of us got fish, chicken or pork chops. There were several side dishes to choose from. The best part was dessert, which I forgot to take a photo, duh! We each ordered a yummy dessert which we shared with everyone such as coconut cream pie, lemon cake, banana cream pie, and peppermint cheesecake.

We loved looking at the different colorful wood carvings of the Nativity scene.

We enjoyed the beautiful mini Nativity scene on the temple grounds and listening to the Christmas carols that were sung in the Visitor's Center.

Little sister was very tired (fell asleep on the train ride back to the car) after our fun night seeing the Christmas lights! We will cherish this fun family home evening activity memory for a very long time!

On the fourth day before Christmas, we woke up around three o'clock in the morning cold and light-less. There was a black out in our city. We had no electricity for a couple hours. Luckily, around seven o'clock in the morning it turned back on.

Today is my 34th birthday! Yep, I am a year older today! I was surprised to find out we received 7.5 inches of snow on the ground this morning! It looked like a winter wonderland and confirmed my wish that we will have a beautiful white Christmas this year! My family surprised me with some random birthday gifts for me early this morning. I guess John took my girls to the store a couple weeks ago and they each picked out a couple gifts for me! So sweet and so unexpected!!!

WARNING this is me after I woke up! Please excuse the mess and bad bed hair/non make up look... UGH! So they got me the following presents for my birthday: bobby pins, a bracelet, a necklace, a photo album for my recipes, a crimper curing iron (my oldest daughter will borrow from me a lot), lip gloss, gum, a pillow, Christmas ornaments, and pajamas. My oldest daughter hand stitched my awesome birthday card at school. I felt so spoiled!!! I love my family for making my day special! XOXOXOX

Later during the day, the girls and I played in the snow! We made a snowman and snow angels!

We are counting down the days until Christmas and when little sister is done with her antibiotic medicine!!!

1 comment:

  1. WOOHOOOOO thank you for letting us surprise you sweetie!!!!
    Thank you for going to see the lights last night with us!!!
    Thank you for letting us enjoy the morning with you!!!
    I love you babe!
