
Thursday, December 23, 2010

On the 3rd and 2nd Days Before Christmas...

On the 3rd, day before Christmas, John surprised the girls with some cool simple plastic sleds. So they went sledding down the hills in our backyard. The snow was slushy compared to the dense snow the day before.

During the evening while watching Christmas movies on TV, to our surprise the Christmas tree fell down onto the floor! Wow, what a cheap Walmart tree! For a couple days, I have noticed it leaning more to one side. It reminded me of the sad "Charlie Brown" Christmas tree. My oldest daughter put tons of tinsel on it while my youngest daughter and I were at the hospital. I guess the tree could not handle the weight of the tinsel,ornaments, lights, and so forth. Instead getting all upset or angry, I got a great laugh out of the situation. I laughed so hard my eyes were watering! LOL!!!

Craft alert! This year my girls and I made some homemade Christmas ornaments. We cut out tons of small snowflakes, applied some glue, and sprinkled silver glitter designs. I tied them with some thin gray sewing thread. They were easy and added a lot of character to my "Charlie Brown" Christmas tree!

Supplies: glitter, glue, paper, scissors, a small cup, pencil, and sewing tread.

Step 1. Draw a circle with a small cup.
Step 2. Fold circle in half.
Step 3. Fold it in half again.

Step 4. Fold it again for the 3rd and last time.
Step 5. Cut the corner (straight across, rounding it, or cutting two slits)
Step 6. On each sides cut out deigns (circles, squares, triangles, ovals, etc).

Next you glue your design and sprinkle the glitter on top. Allow it to dry for a couple hours before adding the sewing string.

On the 2nd day before Christmas, I did some last minute shopping with my brother Nate and sister Karen for my mother who is in a nursing home. We picked out some new clothes and slippers for my Mom and a sweater for my step Dad Dennis. My mother is no longer stable on her feet due to her Parkinson's disease. She can walk in walker but is a little shaky! She is now in a wheel chair and needs a lot of assistance with her daily activities. In addition to the clothes and slippers, I gave her a small bag of mixed chocolates, a homemade pink hair flower clip (bought the supplies from Hobby Lobby), a homemade bookmark, which I printed out from Shabby Princess, a quick homemade fleece blue winter scarf, and The Christmas Box a book by Richard Paul Evans. My brother, sister, and I delivered her presents to the nursing home to bring her some Christmas cheer.

We have been preparing our turkey by soaking it in a cooler with some amazing goodness (water, sugar, seasonings, citrus, and so forth) for our Christmas Eve dinner! It smells amazing every time I take a look at the process! John is so proud of his turkey brine mixture!

Just one more day before Christmas!

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