
Monday, January 20, 2014

Princess School: Daddy Daughter Date

Princess and King Free

The beautiful invitation was made by little sister and her activity day leaders:
Once upon a time, little sister had a daddy date on September 27, 2013. It was held at a nearby church, which our daughter's activity day leaders put together. First, each princess were formally introduced to their "king" with a paragraph about their hobbies and interests while wearing a crown, tutu skirt, and sash, which they made during previous activity days.

On each table there were royal King and Princess name cards.

 They ate a lovely dinner (coconut chicken, mashed potatoes, beans, rolls). As for dessert, they ate pretty cupcakes and rainbow jello.  For the activities, they did Princess School, which included the following subjects:  fencing balloon pop, dancing, making caramel apples, building a castle out of gigantic Legos, and the Kings had to walk in Princesses shoes (large shoe sizes but nothing fit King Free).  It was evident that they had a marvelous time since they came home "happily ever after" with smiles on their faces! 
  What a fun enchanting activity for Dads and daughters, which they will never forget!

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