
Wednesday, January 02, 2013

2013 New Year's Resolutions

Credits: The chalk board is by Jaimee Kaiser also known as Just Jaimee. As for the fonts, I used grumble and FO-giggles.

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow." 
-Albert Einstein

Here are my New Year's resolutions that I would like to accomplish in my household during 2013:   
  • Read the Book of Mormon every day during breakfast as a family.
  • Have family home evening once a week(usually Sunday works best for our busy schedules).  
  • Encourage my girls to make their beds every day and keep their rooms clean.  
  • Exercise and eat better as a family(I would like to only gain 15-20 pounds during my entire pregnancy). 
  • Read conference talks and positive thinking books daily.
  • Have a(glass half full) positive attitude by always looking on the bright side of things!
  • Reading list: Reached by Ally Condie, Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, First Sight, and True Believer by Nicholas Sparks.
  • Continue to work on digital scrap-booking projects by getting organized and caught up before the baby comes in June.
  • Try a new recipe from Pinterest twice a month.
  • Blog more and surf the internet less!
  • De-clutter the household in closets, storage room, John's shed, book shelves, drawers, etc.
  • Serve others by smiling, sharing treats, and doing special acts of service for other people. 

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