
Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Young Women "Armour of God" Evening in Excellence

October 2, 2012 was my daughter's Evening in Excellence night.  She had to give a talk about how personal progress is her "Armour of God".  Robert D. Hales said, The "helmet of salvation" guards our reasoning, intellect, and thoughts. The "breastplate of righteousness" helps us to have the Spirit with us always, guarding our heart and soul. Having our "lions girt about with truth" gives us the foundation to build on faith and develop our testimony. The "sword of the Spirit" is the word of God to pierce the darkness so that we may have light and truth to guide our way in life. The "shield of faith" helps us withstand the fiery darts of the adversary. Having our "feet shod with preparation of the gospel of peace" by reading and studying the scriptures helps us be obedient to the laws, ordinances, commandments, and covenants of God. My daughter shared a couple experiences in her life when she was tempted to do the wrong choice but made the right choice of not following the crowd. I admire her strength and desire to do what is right especially in a world filled with chaos!   She did a fantastic job and didn't seem nervous at all speaking in front of many people! She also brought things and pictures for a display table that she has been working on for personal progress this year such as developing talents in cooking, singing in choir, taking photographs, and reading The Book of Mormon.  We watched a slide show of the young women wearing  a body armour costume!  After several talks we got to see the display tables and ate red velvet cake.  It was a wonderful evening and great way to start October!  I hope my daughter will always remember the importance of staying true to her young woman values by always defending herself when she is faced with evil temptations from the world!


  1. So proud of my "Auddie", she is growing up way to fast........Love the pic of her in the armor!

  2. So proud of my "Auddie", she is growing up way to fast........Love the pic of her in the armor!
