
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

December 2011 Highlights

December was a super busy month for us, which is typical during this time of the year with Christmas shopping, holiday traffic, choir concerts, several parties, visiting Santa Claus, etc.  Among all the holiday craziness, we found out on December 14 that John has type two diabetes and the following day we had to move out of our rental home because our landlord sold his home (a 15 day notice).  So we were extremely busy packing and looking for a new place during the holiday break.  To be honest, I lost the holiday spirit due to the stress. Since I boxed up all my Christmas stuff, we spent Christmas in southern Utah with my husband's parents.  We enjoyed the peace and quiet bliss at Granny's house (a simple and small country town)!  Granny spoiled us with incredible tasty food!  On Christmas Eve, we drove a couple hours to see Aunt Rhea.  We had a lovely time visiting with her, Vickie, and Carmen.  Granny read a wonderful Christmas story to my girls that night and we enjoyed the glow of candle light dinners.  We went to church for one hour the next day and opened presents after church. We were so happy we spent some time with Granny and Grandpa Free!  A week later, we moved on New Years Eve with help from our awesome family, neighbors, and ward members!  Luckily, the weather was great (no snow) on moving day.  Later that day, one of our old ward members dropped off some pizza, bread sticks, and soda while we unpacked at our new place then we went to a friend's house for a New Years Eve party (we were invited to three parties that night).  We will miss our Grovecreek ward!  We found a wonderful place on the west side of town. It is a lot bigger than our last home with tons of storage space, yard, storage shed, tool shed, greenhouse, potato cellar, etc. Pictures will come later once we are all set up... I have a lot of empty spaces.  Hopefully we can purchase our own home in the future.  In the meantime, we are blessed we found a great place during this cold and chaotic time of the year.  We hope to get to know our neighbors and make new friends in our new ward in the next couple weeks. 
Junior High Choir Concert
Big Sister with her friend at their choir concert
A Fabulous Birthday Haircut (thanks Jenny)! 
A Gorgeous Hair Style from David Douglas Salon
  Checking out the Christmas lights at the River Bottoms Mall 
Never Too Old for Santa Claus 
A Peaceful Christmas in Southern Utah and My girls with Aunt Rhea!
Wearing Red on Christmas Day!
 Making Memories with Granny and Grandpa Free
 Playing Barbies in the Snow! Priceless!


  1. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Nice color choice on the blog. It is really easy on my eyes and I have bad eyes too so that's a really big compliment lol

  2. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Very informative post. Thanks for taking the time to share your view with us.
