
Friday, September 02, 2011

Back to School! Where Did Summer Go?

Ack!  What happened to my little girls who are not so little anymore?  My oldest daughter is now in junior high!   As for little Sis, she is a third grader!  Where did the summer time go? Good grief, I hardly completed my Summer 2011"to do" list, ugh!  We had quite the eventful summer to say the least!
First Day of Junior High August 22, 2011
First Day of 3rd Grade August 23, 2011
We were definitely busy this summer with our box garden, went on hikes, attended  the Worthen family reunion, had a couple summer BBQs with family, went to a couple parades, went swimming, my oldest daughter survived her first year at girl's camp (river rafting, hiking, and camping).  I did some digital scrapbook page layouts and my youngest daughter had her first sleepover at a friend's house!  We went to my mother's funeral (July was a blur to me), went to the Taste of Utah Valley and got free makeovers (nails, and hair do's).  I planned a couple activity days for my church calling and went to the Jordan River Temple with my nephews and nieces.  Then, I went on my trip to Cape Cod in August with my brother to see my Grandfather and step Grandmother.   My husband passed his college English class this summer.  By the way, John is working on his bachelors degree in marketing and business through an online school Western Governor's University. Lastly, my oldest daughter needed new glasses and both girls went to the dentist.  Then, we bought school clothes and school supplies at the very last minute. 

  It has been a crazy summer!  I totally went off my diet and exercise routine.  Due to stress and the loss of my mother, I gained weight, UGH.  I need to get back on track soon!   With the kids in school now, I have a better schedule for myself that includes working out during the mornings!  Also, I am taking one class this semester at Salt Lake Community College.  I signed up for a nutrition class, which meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  It is a long 40 minute drive to the college from my home, but thankfully I have a radio in my car to blast some great pop music!  I decided to not overwhelm myself too much by taking too many classes since John is currently in school and working two jobs.  This class will be super easy and a great way for me to get out of the house a couple times a week.  
I agreed to do a carpool exchange with some other junior high parents in my neighborhood.  It will be very helpful for all of us since we only have to transport kids once a week. I signed up for Mondays to drop off and pick up!  Mondays are early out day so I will need to be there a hour earlier than usual. There are five kids total three girls and two boys.  My daughter could ride the bus, but the stop is a couple blocks up the hill and technically we do not live in the bus zone boundaries. Carpooling kids is the next best option, which I am very grateful to be apart of since most of these mothers are busy working or taking care of small children.  I am glad to be helping out in a small way.
Even though summer went by so fast, I am looking forward to the fall season!  I love the autumn colors and cooler weather.  

1 comment:

  1. WOW, Our summer was crazy and busy a bit eh? You did great on this one sweetie!!! Thanks for the shout out about both of our schools! Great pictures of the random summer fun!!
