
Monday, June 13, 2011

Fun Summer Ideas for 2011

The kids have been out of school for only ten days and they are already bored.  All they seem to want to do is play computer games, watch TV, and hang out with friends.  I want to make a regular schedule of having them read for 20-30 minutes in the morning five times a week as well as reviewing some math a couple times a week.  We would like them to earn their "fun summer activities" by accomplishing some chores, making their beds, keeping their room clean, reading, and assisting me with cooking. I was inspired by The Crafting Chicks who made an fun list of 50 summer activities!  I came up with my own ideas of things we would like to accomplish as a family this summer.
Our 50 Fun Summer Ideas!
1.  Hike Battle Creek to see the waterfalls.
2.  Make strawberry freezer jam.
3.  Go jogging in the foothills (me).
4.  Hike and explore Timpangoes Cave.
5.  Volunteer at Strawberry Days and enjoy the events.
6.  Go to the temple with John and big sister to do Baptisms. 
7.  Make Block Art, Owl Boxes, etc.
8.  Sign up for swimming lessons for the girls.
9.  Go on a couple camping trips!
10.  Make slime, play dough, and giant bubbles!
11.  Make pudding pops and home made juice popsicles!
13.  Attend summer parades!
14.  Cool off by eating snow cones!
15.  Water, weed, and watch our box garden grow!
17.  Soak in a hot spring!
18.  Pass off some personal progress goals with big sister!
19.  Go to an outdoor movie in the park or Drive In.
20.  Roast a perfect marshmallow or eat some Smores!
21.  Watch Fireworks!
22.  Hike Silver Lake!
23.  Create some silhouettes to hang on the wall!
24.  Go on a bike ride!
25.  Make fruit kabobs!
26.  Have a picnic in the canyon or park!
27.  Make ice cream in a bag!
28.  Make a clothesline photo holder craft.
30.  Finish my cookbook project.
31.  Have a BBQ and swim with my sister's family!
33.  Have a spa day doing facials and manicures.
34.  Watch So You Think You Can Dance
35.  Teach little sis how to ride a bike.
36.  Plant some pretty wild flowers in a planter box!
37.  Buy a slip and slide or wacky sprinkler!
39.  Take the kids to Kangaroo Zoo!
40.  Make some cute flower flip flops!
41.  Go to the library and check out many cool books!
42.  Make a toy boat and watch it float down a stream!
43.  Go to a Utah water-park!
44.  Finds some good deals at flea markets and yard sales!
45.  Have a game night outdoors (cards and game boards)!
46.  Go to Mill Creek Canyon for hiking and fishing!
47.  Have a water fight with water guns, balloons, etc.
48.  Listen to a free concert in the park!
49.  Go to Cascade Springs and Alpine Loop!
50.  Ride the ski lift at Sundance!

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