
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Our Happy Valentine's Day

Over the weekend, the girls were sick with two different types of flu.  One girl had the body aches and fever while the other girl had vomiting, diarrhea, and fever.  We missed church because we didn't want to share our yucky germs!  Luckily, on Monday morning, they were well enough to go back to school.   Who would want to miss school on Valentine's Day?  Both girls had class parties.  Little sister went on a field trip to a rest home to sing a couple songs to the elderly.  They were so happy to come home and show me their Valentines from their classmates!

For the girl's teachers and my visiting teaching sisters, I made adorable gift wrapped containers filled with chocolate from recycled toilet paper rolls.  I got the idea from  Dani's Blog . They are so easy and fun to make!  I was very happy with how they turned out!  The girls were excited to give their Dove chocolate Valentine to their teachers!

Valentine Gift Roll


toilet paper roll
tissue wrapping
scrapbook paper (I used Wild Love kit by Shabby Princess)
candy heart chocolates or any candy will do
tape, scissors, and glue stick (for the paper heart embellishments).

Step One: Roll the toilet roll in tissue paper.

Step Two: Tie the end with ribbon, add candy to the container, and tie off the other end with ribbon.

Step Three: Wrap the pretty scrapbook paper around the toilet roll and add some cute embellishments.

After the girls left for school, I put on my dusty running shoes and went on a long walk with John since it was his day off from work.  We walked up and down the foothills near our neighborhood.  It was a beautiful morning!  The sun was out for a while and wasn't too cold.  Later that day it got dark and gloomy.  I'm so glad we got out and took advantage of the great sunlight because I've been lacking some vitamin D treatments from the sun lately.  Today we both have extremely sore legs, hips, and behinds! OUCH!  What a workout!

For my Valentine Day present, John  surprised me with some beautiful hyacinth flowers since I am not a rose kind of girl.  Trust me, I've had many dozens of roses in the past, but personally I think they are a generic Valentine's Day gift.  Over the years, he has given me different flower arrangements with many other types of flowers than just roses.  Anyway, he had his reasons why he felt he had to buy me two flowers instead of one.  The pink one represents my good days and the violet symbolizes my dark days.  He informed me that he loves me no matter what kind of mood I'm in (thank goodness, right)!  So sweet of him and I feel so loved! ♥  They smell so good and remind me of Spring time when lilacs bloom.  I have spring fever and cannot wait for winter to be over!!! The flowers brighten up any room in the house!  I love the fact that these flowers could be houseplants or planted outdoors in a garden.  Whereas, roses die after a couple weeks.  So hopefully I will remember to water them enough and they will last for a while! 

Later that day for lunch, John spoiled me with a grilled chicken salad from Cafe Rio, yum!  

Then for dinner, he made us homemade Italian meat balls, pasta with red sauce, salad, French Bread, and bought some bubbly sparkle non-alcoholic pomegranate apple juice and grape juice.  It was a wonderful relaxing Valentine's Day since we exercised our hearts together and enjoyed some healthy food! ♥♥♥♥♥

1 comment:

  1. The valentine gifts were definitely a cute idea. I bet that was fun for you and your girls to make together.
