
Friday, February 25, 2011

Carl Bloch BYU Art Exhibit

 “Christ Healing the Sick at Bethesda" By Carl Bloch

For Activity Day this past week, my co leader and I took the girls to the Carl Bloch Art Exhibit at BYU Museum of Art.  

We printed out our free tickets and parking pass before driving south to Provo.   Carl Block (1834-1890) was a well known Lutheran Danish artist.  Most of his art can be found in Denmark and Sweden mostly in Lutheran churches and castles.  BYU did a magnificent job in displaying his beautiful oil painting and etchings.  I have always been a fan of Carl Bloch's work!  It is probably due to the fact most of his religious works are in the LDS church publications, books, primary materials, etc..   I absolutely loved looking at his etchings.  I felt strong emotions while looking his beautiful etching of Christ.  Maybe someday I will buy a print along with a pretty frame to display on my wall in my bedroom so that He is the first person I see when I wake up in the morning... 

Portrait of Christ

Bloch portrayed many phases of Jesus Christ's life. He had etchings of his birth, healing the sick, raising the dead, His death, resurrection, and so forth.   It was so exciting to see his real oil paintings and etchings on the wall instead of prints.  Some of the paintings were worn and cracked from age still absolutely breath taking.  

 If you live near the Utah area, I highly recommend you go see Carl Bloch: The Master's Hand Art Exhibit!  It will be going until May 7, 2011 and I doubt his works will ever be back like this exhibit!  It was an amazing experience to see his masterpieces that I will never forget!  


  1. It's so funny you posted this. We have the first painting you showed hanging in our church building. Brett was talking about how he really didn't like it because the focal point is not Christ. The figure who is the focal point (when standing in front of the painting and looking at it) is the beggar sitting on the steps. It's actually a self portrait of the artist. He put himself in the painting. Brett doesn't like the fact that the beggar-man was painted with more detail than Christ was.

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