
Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Happy 11th Birthday to My Fifth Grader!

Dear Daughter,

I cannot hardly believe that you turned eleven years old yesterday. We celebrated your birthday at Grandpa and Grandma Free's house over the weekend with your cousins Manoel and Eliane Silva. Manoel and you both share the same birthday. I recall him being very upset when you came on his birthday but years later he has enjoyed sharing that special day with you. You requested fruit pizza for your birthday "cake." We got you a few things such as jeans, earrings, a peace book bag, a ken Barbie, a shirt, and jacket. Granny Free got you some bras and a beautiful blue flower shirt!

Fruit Pizza

1/2 cup sugar
1 1/3 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 egg, beaten
1/3 cup plus 1 tablespoon shortening
2 tablespoons milk
1/2 teaspoon almond flavoring

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Stir together sugar, flour, baking powder, and salt. Cut in shortening, add milk, egg, and almond flavoring. Knead flour enough for a rolling consistency. Grease pan very lightly and press down onto it evenly. Be sure there are no thin spots. Bake 8-10 minutes or until light brown. Set aside to cool.

4 oz of cream cheese
1/2 cup of whipped topping

Combine the cream cheese with the whipped topping. Spread onto cool cookie crust. Top with fruits (strawberries, grapes, kiwis, bananas, mandarin oranges, pineapple, blueberries, raspberries, apples, peaches, and so forth).

I cannot believe you are growing up into a young woman already! I wish there is a rewind and pause button in life so that I can cherish my moments of you longer when you were a baby, toddler, child, etc. You are growing up too fast and before you know it you will be experiencing life on your own.

I would like to share with you some of my favorite memories of your life. The doctor induced me a week early due to me feeling so uncomfortable during the last couple weeks of pregnancy. I went to the hospital in the morning and was in labor with you all day long. I remember watching Law and Order during the last few minutes of labor and when the news was on at 10:16 PM on April 5,1999 I finally got to meet you. You were 7lbs. 13oz. and 19 1/2 inches long. To our surprise, you had dark hair like your daddy but months later you hair fell out and light brown came in.

You are a mirror image of me, your mother. It amazes how similar we look alike but our personalities are the opposite. You changed my life the moment you entered the world! I could no longer be selfish after you came into my life. Your needs came first before mine. I loved kissing your cheeks when you were a baby. You blessed my life with joy! Having you taught me patience, love, and the important responsibility of being a mother. I loved you the first moment I held you in my arms. I recall you having a difficult time sleeping as a newborn baby. Daddy and I took you on rides in the car to help you fall asleep. Also we figured out that placing your car seat on the dryer while it was going helped you fall asleep. You were a happy and curious baby. I found you under couch all of the time. You had a large collection of pacifiers in your crib at night. Daddy and I could hear you (through the child monitor) throwing them on the floor and yelled "daddy" to come in a get you up out of bed in the morning. You fell asleep many times while eating in your high chair. You were loved by many cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, friends of our family. As a toddler, you loved painting, playing dress up, house, and baby dolls. Your favorite movies/shows were Veggie Tales, Barney, Strawberry Shortcake, and all the Disney princess movies. I loved it when you fell asleep in your doll cradle! One of my favorite memories of you when you were two years old is when I was having a difficult day. I recall feeling overwhelmed about something (crying) and you comforted me by saying "Jesus Mommy"! You reminded me to pray and ask for help from Heavenly Father and Jesus. You were always sensitive to the holy spirit at a very young age and still today you carry on that strength and desire to do what is right.

As you grew up, your fun outgoing personality blossomed. You had many friends when you were a young girl. It was hard for me to keep up with your social gatherings. You were invited to so many birthday parties, play dates, sleepovers, etc. You loved being a big sister and were excited to meet her on April 15, 2003. You loved nature, animals, and playing outdoors. One day after a early morning rainstorm, I found you making mud pies in the driveway. You were not afraid of getting dirty. You collected so many stuffed animals and had a hard time letting go of some of them during spring cleaning. For a couple years, you were a tomboy playing with boys, wearing your hair short or back in a pony tail. I recall you enjoying the fishing trips with daddy.

You were full of questions! You once asked me: "Mommy how can you tell which snail is a boy or girl?" Once you brought a worm in the house and made a bed for it by using Barbie furniture and a blanket. I kindly asked you to take it back outside before it died. Also, you brought tiny lady bugs inside the house to watch. You were even a lady bug for Halloween when you were two years old. We got some gold fish when you were five years old, which I gave you the responsibility of feeding them everyday and you did a wonderful job helping daddy and me clean the fish tank out too. Unfortunately, on accident you feed the fish too much tank cleaner (you thought it was food) and they died the next day. That was the first time you experienced death. You were very sad that they died and we decided to not have any more fish after that experience.

You have many TALENTS! You love to SING I often hear you singing in the shower or bath tub! You took a couple years of piano lessons as a young girl from your aunt Marilee. You signed up for choir every chance you could get. I recall you singing a small solo during a primary program. You absolutely love music and for years you loved watching American Idol with me.

You have the wonderful talent to LOVE ONE ANOTHER. You are friends with everyone even if some people are unkind to you. I like how you don't sweat the small stuff especially when someone teases you at school. You try very hard to not let it bug you. You remain confident in believing in yourself and associate with those that uplift you.You are the best big sister in the world. I appreciate how kind you are to your little sister. I am so impressed how well you and little sister get along. I see amazing qualities in you! I love the way you nurture your sister and play well with your younger cousins. I bet you will be a great babysitter!

I was so HAPPY and PROUD of you on May 5, 2007. You were baptized that day and become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Your daddy baptized you and your grandfather Free gave you the gift of the Holy Ghost. Many friends and family was there to celebrate your great accomplishment! Granny and Grandpa Free gave you your first scriptures with Grandma Free's testimony written down on the front two pages.

You are an INTELLIGENT girl. Last quarter you made the honor roll for the first time in your life. You didn't believe you could do it but you worked very hard and did it! You love to read. We often find your light on late at night and you buried in a book. You love learning new things.

You love to SERVE. You like to help me around the house with simple duties such as dusting, vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom, changing the laundry, and taking the garbage out. In addition, you love to help me or daddy cook. You are an excellent babysitter to your sister! Outside the home you have participated in serving others too. You enjoyed having a secret grandma when you were nine years old. You and two other girls in our ward did special acts of service to this sweet lady. She was so happy to receive your treats and cards. You recently helped tie quilts which were donated to the Ronald McDonald House in SLC. I hope you will continue serving others.

You are an OBEDIENT child! I appreciate how you listen and do what you are told. You strive to keep the commandments of God! You enjoy going to church, having family scripture study, and family home evening! You are a beautiful child of God and He loves you! Never forget that! I have been truly blessed to have you apart of my life. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be your mother. I love you very much.

Love, Mom

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