
Monday, January 11, 2010

Busy Busy Monday (read it like the ABBA "Money Money" tune)

So far today, I have been very productive this morning and it isn't even ten o'clock yet, while I write this! I did some cleaning (weekend messes), laundry, and worked out for one hour. For my exercise today, I picked Kenpo (P90X) kick boxing! It was a lot of fun and I was sweating like crazy! I am thinking about doing strength training or one aerobic work out on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I would like to jog 3-5 miles on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays (optional) after the girls leave for school in the morning otherwise I won't do it. I know myself well enough that the only way to accomplish exercise in a day is to do it in the mornings. If I get called into work that means I need to get myself out of bed around 5:00 AM. Yes, 5:00 AM seems like a crazy hour to workout but for some reason I have no energy or motivation by the early afternoons or in the evenings to workout. Later today, we scheduled a fun family night with the Nelson family! We are in charge of the lesson, which I need to start preparing soon! The Nelsons are doing games and treats. Hopefully we get to see Holly who is now living in a college dorm on BYU campus! We also would like to see Ryan, Stacy, and Avery! Since we moved to Pleasant Grove, it seems like we don't see many family members lately. We are looking forward to it!

Speaking of work, I got a job a couple months ago! Out of the blue, one of John's old companies REIS (a real estate seminar company), which I did some data entry a couple years ago called and asked me if I would like to work for them again. I am scheduled to work part time on call basis. My hours are usually (9AM-4PM). They let me pick my hours which is a huge blessing since my kids won't be home alone too long after school. My oldest daughter is now old enough to babysit her little sister, which means we don't need a babysitter anymore! My schedule is so random. My boss calls or texts me when they need help with data entry or answering costumer service calls. It is an easy job! I don't necessary enjoy answering calls (ugh) because some people are just rude, but it keeps me busy during the day while the kids are at school. It is nice to earn some extra money especially during the holidays last year (November-December). I haven't been called in to work this month yet. It has slowed down but should be picking up in a few weeks. So on my days off, I want to make the best of it by doing constructive projects and scrapbooking pages!

Lastly, I would like to share a couple of my scrapbook pages!

These pictures were taken while we were renting Matt's house (my brother in-law), 2006. Aren't they the cutest snow Angels? Credits: "Winter Chic" by Shabby Princess.

Snow Angels, 2006

I loved these precious memories of my in-laws reading with my girls. Reading is a Hoot! Credits "It's Elementary" kit By Dani Mogstad, template by Yin, and kids font.

Reading is a Hoot, 2009


  1. Wow!! You are doing great Sweetie!!!
    I love you so much!!

  2. AUGH!!! Hello, my beautiful friend, Jen!!! I'm so so so so so excited to see your new blog!! I'm going to put you in my favorites right away!

    I love your scrapbook pages. They are beautiful. You have such a great eye for what colors and designs work well together.

    I'm so happy to hear you have such a flexible job. That is such a blessing. I'm so glad to see you able to work when you want to.

    I sure love you guys!! Please give the girls hugs for me!!
