
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Happy Mother's Day in Heaven!

Dear Mother, 

Last year I recall bringing you a boutique of beautiful flowers for Mother's Day.  You also requested some new dresses and even though you were diabetic, I spoiled you with a sweet treat...   You were very excited and happy to see Karen, Nate, and me! 

 I have many fond memories of you.  You were very kind towards others and an animal lover.  You loved music, singing, cooking, and crocheting.  Thank you for being a fun Mother!  We sure had marvelous adventures together such as swimming, roller skating, bowling, playing at the park, shopping at the mall, eating at several restaurants (like Sizzler when you yelled out to the waiter, "More Shrimp Please"), and having Baskin's Robins Ice Cream cones, etc.  You spoiled me rotten when you bought me that huge Barbie house on my 12th birthday, you reluctantly drove me to the store to buy me junk food late at night when you would rather be sleeping, and always gave me shopping spree money!  

You always comforted me when I felt sad or was hurt. I truly enjoyed bouncing ideas and goals with you in person or on the telephone.  I loved that you always understood me, supported me, and encouraged me during my hard times.  You were very patient with me and loved me very much. I always could count on you and appreciated all you have done for me. You were a wonderful example to me.  I always admired your faith, determination, courage, and strength.  

I think about you all the time especially while I go jogging and hope you check in with me once in awhile.  Last week while I was at Walgreen's purchasing my first red lipstick, I thought of you.  I have never tried bold colors like you wore (blue eye shadow, bright pink lipstick, and red lipstick) and I was surprised that I didn't look too bad with ruby lips!  I will always think of you when I apply that red lipstick and feel confident like you did all gussied up! 

I am sad that I didn't get a chance to say good-bye, sit by your bedside, or hold your hand before your unexpected death.  I will never forget my last precious moments with you.  It was in June 2011 when Karen and I came to see you at the nursing home after you were discharged from the hospital.  You had a terrible kidney infection and a broken leg (from a fall in the shower).  You were lying in bed swollen from all the antibiotics and had a difficult time eating your dinner due to your Parkinson's Disease. So Karen and I took turns feeding you.  Before we left, we both hugged you, kissed your cheek, and said, "I love you, Mom!"  I am very grateful for that time we shared together with you and hope you will remember my beautiful last moments with you.   I hope you know how much I love you!  I miss visiting with you in the nursing home, seeing your warm smile, wrapping my arms around you, and kissing your soft cheeks.

 I will never forget you, Mom. Happy Mother's Day in heaven!

Love your daughter forever, Jenny       

I scrapped some pages of my sweet Mother and some pictures from her funeral.
Miss You Mother, 2011
Page Two 
Credits: Shabby Princess June 2011 Templates, Blossom and Sprout kits from Shabby Princess, and I used the Mareen's Print font.

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