
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Worthen Family Reunion, July 2011

On July 1-2, 2011, we attended a huge family reunion on my husband's side of the family in Beaver, Utah.  Our family was in charge of everything this year (food, games, activities, clean up assignments, etc).  There were a total of 29 Frees representing our side of the family.  That is surprisingly a small number this year; however, we enjoyed being among every single one of them as well as mingling with the extended family members!
We arrived early on Friday afternoon to set up camp and got ourselves organized.  John and I were in charge of preparing dinner that night.  So we spent a lot of time in the kitchen making frog eye salad, chopping veggies, warming chili, and later that evening John helped with frying yummy scones.
Friday Dinner Crew
Justin, Keli, John, Nita, Me, and Marilee
Friday Night Entertainment
The Friday night entertainment included the following: the Worthen siblings talking about their favorite memories growing up with Grandma and Grandpa Worthen, playing card games, getting into groups reading/doing skits about our ancestors, eating scones, while kids played on the see saw, trampoline, and playground. 
 We "roughed it" in a tent that night and slept comfortably listening to the sound of crickets in the dry desert among juniper and sage...  We woke up around 7:00 AM ready to do some service projects, eat amazing food, and play games later on!!!
Saturday Morning Service Projects
There were three service projects, which John's brother Matt set up.  John, Matt, Keli, Justin, extended cousins, and I picked the least popular one picking up garbage on the side of the road.  Our daughters helped paint a white fence with Dave, Kristin, Jessica, Madison, Jeremy, Elena, etc, while several other family members went to the rest home to perform a patriotic program (singing and musical instruments).
Fun Family Reunion Activities
My brother in-laws (Joe and Dave) thought it would be cool to engage in type of activities that were around when John's grandparents were married in 1927.  Many people played several card games, made some crafts, jump roped, played marbles, ping pong, golf, horse shoes, tether ball, had potato races, and ate cotton candy.   We had a lot of fun interacting with many cousins and doing many simple activities.
Crafts: Sling shots and Clothes Pin Dolls 
Let The Games Begin!!!
The Worthen siblings: Aunt Leola, Granny Free, Aunt Carlita, Aunt Shelia, Uncle Dick, and Uncle Claire!
From left to right are Rich, Marilee, John, Jen, Grandpa, Matt, Grandma, Joe, Diana, Dave, and Kristin.
4th of July Paragonah, Utah
We decided to stay at Granny's house until 4th of July.  We spent a lot of great time with Joe and Dave's families.  There were 19 of us at Granny's small house.  We were outside in their trailer, while several bodies slept on the floor, couches, etc.  Joe set up a tent for his family in the back yard.  We went to church with all of them on Sunday.  We had a peaceful Sunday taking naps, reading scriptures, and taking a walk.  The next day a couple of us went jogging for 30 minutes (Jessica, Dave, Josh, Andrew, and myself).  I was the slowest but they were sure patient with me!  Next, we showered and ate breakfast.  Then headed over to Parowan to the 4th of July parade. It was a simple parade.  There were tons of candy tossed, loads of trackers, and farm animals.  What we liked best about the country folk parade is the fact that we were able to show up 15 minutes before it started, got great seats, and were home 10 minutes after the parade was over.  Now that is my kind of 4th of July parade! The Provo parade is over rated!!!  We left granny's house after lunch so that we could make it home in time to have a BBQ with Uncle Duane, Matt's family, Justin, and Keli.  Around this time frame, is when my dear sweet mother passed away and I was not notified until the next night.
 Although we had a wonderful 4th of July this year, this holiday will never be the same for me since my Mom passed away on Independence Day.  In the years to come, I will always remember the great memories of my mother.  May her spirit rest in peace.  I love you, Mom!  XOXOX

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