
Friday, April 08, 2011

Student of the Week and Japan Report

What a fun day!!! Since next week will be little sister's birthday (my tax baby) and school is out on spring break, she was student of the week. Today John went to her classroom at 11:00 AM.  He talked about little sister's poster that I made as well as passed out Reece's mini eggs as her birthday treat. Her teacher decorated her desk with paper like a present and gave her a couple presents (colored pencils, candy necklace, some paper, a crown, and a coloring page).  This week she received a postcard from her teacher that said the following:
Dear Parents,  
I have the pleasure of letting you know that Savannah will be our student of the week.  She has shown through her great improvement in academics and wonderful behavior that she has earned this great honor.  Thank you for raising such a responible behevior.  
Love, Mrs. Litchford
 Her classmates made cute birthday cards too!  Later in the afternoon, "Big Dave" (Mrs. Litchford's husband) read little sissy's favorite book Wacky Wednesday by Dr. Seuss to the class. 

Big Sister had her country report fair.  She picked Japan as her country to research on since her Aunt Chiaki is from Tokyo and her cousin Justin served a mission in Nagoya!  I was able to see her present her tri-fold this afternoon!  She did a fantastic job and I must say Japan has a fascinating culture filled with cool traditions!  I would absolutely love to see Japan someday!  My heart aches for the people of Japan who are suffering so much after the recent natural disasters.  

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