
Monday, March 28, 2011

2011 Goal Check List

My to do list and what I have accomplished so far this year:

Get Organized:

  • Finish typing or copy/pasting recipes.
    • Print out and organize recipe pages into my binder.
  • De-clutter my house!
    • Go through clothes, toys, games, old beddings, videos, DVD's, books, electronics, etc.
    • Donate things to DI.
    • Organize craft supplies.
    •  Get new beddings, sheets, pillow cases, pillows, etc for kids and us.
  • Organize my activity day leader book.
    • Update their goals, which they have passed off recently.
    • Add incoming girls and their birthdays to my book.
    • Plan four months worth of activity day ideas.
    • Type and print out a calendar of the next few months of activities.
  • Plan and prepare for my youngest daughter's 8th birthday party!
    • Do a very cheap butterfly theme.
    • Make home-made birthday invitations.
    • Buy a cheap flower or butterfly piñata and buy candy at dollar store.
    • Make flowers and butterflies garland.
    • Make a Happy Birthday banner.
    • Make butterfly cupcakes.
    • Make the game pieces for stick the spot on a butterfly.
    • Make a CD for musical chairs game.
    • Use leftover butterfly party supplies from oldest daughter.
    • Collect recyclables (toilet paper rolls and egg cartonsand buy missing craft supplies for butterfly and caterpillar crafts.
    • Make the toilet roll butterfly and caterpillar crafts as decoration and examples for the birthday party.
    • Make caterpillar hair-clips.

Spiritual Goals:

  • Improve on personal prayers and scripture study!
  • Improve on church attendance and tithing/fast offerings.
  • Have Family Home Evening every week.
  • Go to temple with Husband.
  • Write in gratitude journal.
  • Read conference talks from the Ensign.
  • Go to Enrichment night! (Yay, I went to the Relief Society Birthday Dinner)!
  • Family prayers and scripture study.

Health and Fitness:

  • Work out 5 times a week mixing up the workout routine (weights, running, Turbo Jam (kick-boxing), P90X, etc.  The more different activities that I do, more than likely it will confuse my body to lose weight.
  • Slowly purge sugar out of my diet!  Try eating South Beach Diet for a couple weeks to notice any changes in metabolism.
  • Get a six month recreation pass to the gym.  Use the elliptical, treadmill, stationary bike, weights, and take a zumba class.
  • Make a new iTunes workout mixture of up beat music for my iPod nano.

Meal Plans:

Educational Goals:

  • Apply to Salt Lake Community College.
  • Apply for financial aid.
  • Obtain College transcripts and hand deliver them to SLCC.
  • Do new student orientation and meet with an advisor.
  • Apply to nursing program May 12-25, 2011.
  • Register for classes in the fall 2011.  Sign up for the following classes: nutrition, math 1025 pharmacology, a fun fitness class, and some time in the future pathophysiology (as soon as I find out when I will start my nursing program).
Look for a job in health care:

  • Get food handler's permit
  • Get CPR certified
  • Apply for jobs on crag's list,newspaper classifieds, Job Workforce Services, etc.
  • Install Adobe Photoshop Elements on my new desktop computer.
    • Call Customer Service about registering the license since there was a problem.  Thankfully they allowed me to register the software on my new computer since the old desktop died.
  • Scrap 2-5 layouts per week.
Developing Talents: 
  • Do a craft at least once a month.
  • Cut out 4"X4" wooden blocks. Come up with a design using scrapbook paper and stencil lettering our last name FREE on the blocks.
  • Do something creative for my visiting teaching sisters.
Self Reliance:
  • Strawberries will be in season soon, which means the cost of buying them should go down!  I better start learning how to make some freezer jams and strawberry sauces.


  1. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Thought I would comment and say neat theme, did you make it for yourself? It's really awesome!

  2. Yes, I did come up with the topics/theme for my goals. This blog was a summary of my 2011 New Year's Resolutions goals and anything crossed out represented all done! I love making "to do" lists in my life so that I keep myself more organized!
