
Saturday, January 08, 2011

Good Riddance 2010, Hello 2011

A Year in Review:

*Enjoyed a weekend of sledding and four wheeling at Granny and Grandpa Free's House.

*John was laid off from his job and could only find sales commissioned jobs.

*On St. Patrick's day we went roller skating as a family at Classic Skating.

*My mother fell down three times in her home. She was hospitalized and resides now at Orem Nursing and Rehabilitation.

*My Mother was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease, due to her medications over the years.

*I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. I had to be medicated for it.

*Spent Easter weekend with Manoel and Eliane at Granny and Grandpa Free's house.

*My daughters turned eleven and seven years old in April this past year.

*Little sister won a "girly" razor scooter and pink Paul Frank helmet from school.

*Went camping with the Free family to Panaca Nevada over Memorial Day weekend.

*Explored the trails above our house like Battle Creek Waterfalls and "G" mountain.

*John turned 35 years old and enjoyed his yummy key lime cheesecake!

*Went boating and stayed in a cabin with my brother and sister's family.

*Enjoyed summer BBQ's, water slides, doing creative crafts, Lagoon, and swimming.

*Went to many yard sales and found some great treasures like a bread maker.

*Learned how to make amazing homemade bagels, bread sticks, pizza dough with my bread maker.

*Hubby and I survived our first 5K race and started our weight loss journey.

*Had an incredible Free family reunion in October at a cabin near Paragonah, Utah.

*John got a coaching job (teaching clients how to set up websites and eBay accounts) after eight months of working in dead end sales jobs. What a blessing!

*Big Sissy had her first Halloween themed slumber party with a couple friends.

* My grandfather Coleman was diagnosed with acute leukemia. He is not sick yet thankfully and I don't know if he is going treat it aggressively.

*Enjoyed Thanksgiving with the Silva family and went shopping on black Friday.

*Big Sister had her first Daddy Daughter Winter Formal Ball at our church.

*Little Sissy was hospitalized for a day/night for a yucky kidney infection.

*Rode the Train Trax in Sandy to see the Christmas Lights at Temple Square.

*I aged another year the big 34 years old, hopefully wiser yippee yay!

* Enjoyed the first big snow storm in December by sledding, making snow angels, and a snow man.

*Had a sleepover at Granny and Grandpa's house on December 25-26!

*Went to The Living Planet Aquarium, Olive Garden, and Cold Stone!

*Celebrated the end of 2010 on New Year's Eve with our good friends Dave and Amy!

We sure had a roller coaster of emotions this year. One thing is for certain, even though there were some rough patches in 2010, we tried our best to rise above them by doing simple fun things with our family like camping, cooking, hiking, biking, having picnics, playing at the park, listening to free summer band concerts, playing board games, etc. I can still smile about what we have accomplished this past year even though many tears were wept during times of heartache. We had a wonderful support group (family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, church members, etc) that helped us survive last year! Thank you! We learned a lot from our hardships. Our patience was tested and our faith grew. Our destiny was always in the Lord's hands! We did our part (praying, having family home evenings, fasting, family prayer, and family scriptures). We were blessed for being obedient. We hope to continue those wonderful goals in our home. We are wishing, hoping, praying, and crossing our fingers that 2011 will be a fabulous successful year for our family! May our 2011 goals be accomplished, may our 2011 bucket lists be shortened, and hopefully some of our wishes and dreams will come true!!!

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