
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Grovecrest Greeter and Fall Field Trips

October 13, 2010

Grovecrest Rules
I am responsible to follow directions from all adults, speak kind words to others, keep my hands and feet to myself, give my best effort, and learn something new every day.

At the beginning of the month, sixth grader was picked to be a Grovecrest greeter for six weeks. Her duties include the following:

1. Arrive to school early to greet the buses and students.

2. While on recess, she needs to be on the look out for lonely kids (play with them) and report bad behavior to an adult on recess duty.

3. Be a great example to her fellow grizzy bear students!

We are so proud of her! Way to go, girl! She gets to wear that cute denim grizzly bear cap every day and will get to keep it after the six weeks.

Grovecrest School Motto
I am a Grovecrest Grizzly! Today I will respect myself and others, obey the school rules, and work responsibly to become a life long learner. RAWR!!!

Later that same day, sixth grader went on a field trip to Hee Haw Farms. She went down some slides, went through a corn maze, played in corn, pet the animals, and many other fun activities. She went to Discovery Park for lunch after her field trip! She is on the right back row wearing green pulling a silly face with her fingers in her mouth!

As for second grader, I was able to attend her field trip with her this year since I went with my older daughter last year. The second graders went to Macey's for a tour. We got to see the different departments such as the bakery, butcher, the back of the store, the big freezer, the management, the security room, and so forth. We got free samples of ice cream and sugar cookies. After the Macey's tour, the bus took us to Discovery Park for lunch. My daughter was so happy that I tagged along! In the picture below, I am on the left in the back row standing and my daughter is sitting on her "pockets" on the right front row!

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