
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The winner is....

May 3, 2010

A couple weeks before the end of the school year, there is a reading drawing at the girl's elementary school. Since my girls are total book worms, they submitted several reading tickets with their names on them. During a reward assembly, a friendly police officer drew the names of the winners out of a box. Some of the prizes were bikes, $50.00 towards collage, lacrosse sticks, baseballs, footballs, jump ropes, and so forth. To our surprise, our seven year old won one of the greatest prizes- a brand new pink scooter with a bell to alert people when she is coming and a matching pink Paul Frank helmet! Wooohooo!!!!! She was soooo ecstatic when she came home from school lugging her brand new scooter and helmet. Way to go, little girlie! We are so proud of her reading accomplishments! She has improved a lot this past school year jumping several reading levels. We are also grateful for the school's reward incentive program that encourages my kids to read more! What a great way to start her summer with a new scooter to enjoy!

So lucky to be me!!!

How cute is that helmet????

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