
Friday, April 02, 2010

Past Due Blog Entry

Wow, February came and went so quickly! It could be that there are only 28 days and now March is done and over. Ack! Time is just going by so quickly and I have failed to update my blog due to life being a roller coaster for me the last couple months! We had some highs and lows. First of all, I will share some of our highlights!

Yesterday was my fifth grader's state report. She did her state on Vermont since we have some family who live there. I wanted her to do Massachusetts but it was spoken for by another student. We had a lot of fun researching together and gathering pictures. We put a lot of hours into it mainly me who is more organized. We found some maple syrup from Vermont at our local grocery store. We were surprised to find out that Ben and Jerry's Ice cream headquarters is located in Vermont. So we had a great excuse to buy some ice cream so she could use the empty container for her visual aid. In this past week, we probably put 12 hours into finishing it. She was assigned this project back in January and procrastinated to the last minute (like me we work better under pressure apparently).

The best memory we had in February 2010 is when we went down to Paragonah, Utah to visit my in-laws on Valentines Day and President's Day weekend. The girls were out of school and John didn't have to work on President's Day. We had a lot of fun spending time with granny and grandpa. We watched a couple Olympic events together, went to eat at Apple-bees, went sledding in the foothills, went four wheeling, and enjoyed the quiet small town away from city life. I was able to read a Nicholas Sparks book The Choice. It is always an adventure at their house!

On the way home from my in-laws (my first low for the month), my brother called and told me some bad news. My mother was in the hospital again! Her health has been slowly deteriorating these past few years (diabetes, mental illness, and congestive heart failure), but to our surprise this time she may have had a small stroke. On Friday February 13th, she was weak and could not move off the couch at all. She felt paralyzed on one side which concerned her and my step dad Dennis very much. She was sent to the hospital by ambulance and they ran all sorts of tests to determine or prove that she had a stroke as well as evaluated her condition. Dennis contacted me three days after she was admitted in the hospital. GRRRRR! It concerns me that nobody contacted us until days later!!! Luckily my brother Nate was able to get a hold of my step dad to find out what was going on because he and Karen were planning to see her on Monday (President's Day)afternoon and were getting worried because they could not get a hold of her. Thankfully, she was discharged later in the week. They didn't find anything wrong with her. Her brain scans were clean and there was no proof that she had a stroke. It is the strangest thing unless it was a small one that cannot be detected. She received physical therapy and was visited by a nurse a couple weeks after she was discharged from the hospital. What a scare! She is fine now but I fear her time on this earth is almost up.

Another great high for me was doing a girls night with my niece Stacy. We went to see a "girly" movie When in Rome and we went to eat at Iggy's Sport Restaurant. We had a lot of fun talking and girl bonding! It was fun to get all gussied up and go out on the town. That is something I don't do enough or at all lately. The following weekend my family went to my niece and nephew's house (Stacy and Ryan)for dinner. Stacy's little boy loves playing with my girls. In addition, Stacy is a hair stylist so I got a haircut. My hair is now a "mom's hair do" about shoulder length with lots of layers! I absolutely love it! My hair is so much healthier as well as easy to style. There are photos of my new hair below! :)

The big low hit us a couple days after the trip to southern Utah. John's company was cutting down in each department. Since he was the last one hired, he was the first one on the chopping list. It was devastating to me especially since he has been through a couple lay off these past couple years. In his field of work (real estate and tax liens), these jobs have struggled in this economy. Thankfully, Heavenly Father answered our prayers. He was able to interview and start a new job a week after he was laid off from the previous job. Thanks to my brother who put in a good word for John. My brother's friends are the owners of the new company John works for which is an installation company. John is a salesman. There are rebates from the electric company etc that people can take advantage of if they upgrade their installation. At this point with encouragement from my mother-law, I got some blood work done and talked to a doctor about my anxiety and depression. I have been struggling with the following symptoms lack of concentration, memory loss, weight gain, moodiness, headaches, anxiousness, depression, tiredness, etc. The doctor prescribed me on antidepressants right away since I was feeling worse than ever due to the major stress of John loosing his job AGAIN. I am not sure if the pills are working yet these past five weeks but it may take a couple months to notice the difference. I truly hope to feel peace and joy again. I also had my thyroid checked, blood sugar checked, and iron levels checked. I anxiously waited for the results a day later. What they found out is my blood sugar was elevated. So I went in to have a Ac1 blood test done. The results were 5.7 a pre-diabetes. I am at risk of developing it in the future but I want to avoid that by being careful with my eating and exercising.

As for March, on St Patrick's Day we went roller skating at Classic Skating. It was free family skate night for Grovecrest Elementary students. We each got a meal for $2.00. It has been over 15 years since I last put on a pair of roller skates! I never forgot how to do it and didn't fall at all! We had a great time (the girls and I but John is not a fan of skating after falling down three times). Poor guy! He took some pictures and enjoyed watching us. The kids liked the scooters better than the skates. I loved skating when I was a young girl. I went to Classic skating a couple times a month when I was a teenager. I forgot how much I enjoyed it. FUN TIMES!

Lastly, today is crazy hair day at the girl's school! We had fun doing some groovy hair do's this morning! After school today we are packing our bags and heading down to see Granny and Grandpa in Southern Utah for the Easter weekend! We look forward to watching General Conference and relaxing with our loved ones! The girls are out of school next week for Spring break although it doesn't feel like spring because Mother Nature won't stop snowing! Grrrr! I cannot wait for warmer days to come! :D

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