
Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Fresh New Start!

It cracks me up to see the first post on this blog. Apparently, I created this blog almost four years ago. I have forgotten about it until I registered for a new blog today. I was very surprised that I already had an account, lol! I am sure I had good intentions and was probably too busy in school. I think it was an assignment for one of my classes to create a blog but not write anything. How lame is that college assignment? I bet I would have blogged more if I was forced back then! I suppose it is better to get back on track now than never!

Since it is the start of the new year, I have been thinking about some goals that I should work on to improve my well being (blogging is one of them too).

1. As like most people, weight loss is on the top of my list! I am having the worst body image lately. As a result of suffering with depression, I have seriously gotten lazy on my workout routines and eating healthy. I have been gaining the weight back that I worked so dog gone hard to get rid of these past few years! Ugh! Another issue that distracts me from working out is Facebook! There are so many darn applications that consume my time! I seriously need to change my routine in the mornings by not logging on the computer to check email or Facebook until AFTER I work out! It frustrates me that I am a Facebook application junkie! I need to cut down on the silly games and get focused on more important things in life!

2. I would like to get caught up on my family scrapbooks. For my daughter's birthdays this year, I would like to create them each a scrapbook. Their birthdays are in April! It is overwhelming to think about all the many pages I need to complete in the next couple months. However, I know that they will cherish their scrapbooks forever. I will add some more goals later. I really should end my ramblings now since I have been up all night with the worst insomnia. My hubby has been out of town on a business trip for ACN his part time job. He is doing a training. I cannot sleep very well when he is gone.

So I will leave you with some photos of my darling girls that I took yesterday! They were looking very stylist in their pink outfits! I could not resist a mini photo shoot! Ha ha ha! :)

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