Big sister has been working on developing her talents. Last fall, my husband found a great voice teacher who lives nearby to help big sis learn how to read music and sing better. Each Thursday night she meets with her voice teacher. She had her first recital in December. She did an awesome job! She is also developing photography as another talent. Big sis got some advice about how to take better pictures from our photographer friend since she is taking yearbook desktop publishing class.
Last fall, Little sis signed up for a Vikings Cheer Clinic with her friend. She learned a bunch of cheers from some local cheerleaders and then cheered at six flag football games. What she learned from taking Cheer clinic is she definitely isn't interested in becoming a Viking cheer leader in the future, but she still had fun doing it with her friend. Additionally, we signed her up for ballroom dance lessons, which is before or after school program. Twice a week she goes to school an hour early to learn several ballroom routines. She will be competing in a few weeks. I'm thrilled with her enthusiasm of learning something new and gaining some confidence.
Our Ballroom Beauty!
Our Ballroom Beauty!
As for little bro's talents, I love how curious and eager he is about learning new things. I believe he has an engineer mind like his Grandpa Free and Uncle Joe! For example, he takes things apart and puts them back together again. He also likes to see how things works (clips, snaps buckles, etc). His other talents include looking at books, giving hugs, and melting our hearts with his smiles. Also, he was very well behaved while getting his first haircut because I distracted him by reading Go Away Big Green Monster over and over again!

Big Boy Haircut

Big Boy Haircut