
Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter Blessings Scraps

We are looking forward to Easter weekend! Big sister made a cute Bunny cake during a Young Woman's activity this week.  Too bad I couldn't try a piece due to being recently diagnosed with gestational diabetes, ack!  Way to go Sis on making a darling cake! 
 Here are a few of my favorite Easter Scraps.
Egg'stra Special, 2003
Credits: The template and "Bella Collection" kit are by Shabby Princess. I used love ya like a sister font.
 Egg Coloring, 2005
Credits: The layout is by me.  I used "Hide and Seek" kit by Dani Mostad and love ya like a sister for my font.

Monday, March 25, 2013

March 2013 Summary

March flew by quick as the wind! I've been busy doing some Family Search Indexing, making a quilt for my baby (thanks to my talented sister in-law Marilee for her help), planning a baby shower for my dear friend, and scrap booking during my spare time. We have just a few more months left until we get to hold our little baby boy! There is still so much to do before he comes, but we cannot wait to finally meet him! 
On Patrick's Day, the Green Leperacan left a bag of goodies for my girls (Pringles, Skittles, Rolos, and Ande's Mints). John and I made incredible mashed potatoes, corned beef, broccoli, and Irish soda bread. As for dessert, we made brownies topped with mint chocolate chip ice cream. For my primary children, my girls and I wrapped Hershey's Nuggets with some cute Candy Bar Gift Wrappers and stapled St. Patrick's Day Journal Freebies on a small ziplock bag. With the leftovers, my girls gave them to their teacher or friends at school the next day.
Big Sister had the opportunity to perform in her school's grand choir concert, which was a fundraiser that benefits the music department. It was a marvelous concert, which extended family members came to support big sister!  She also tried out for chamber choir this month (a women and men's choir) and was picked to join them next year. She is very excited because most of her friends all made chamber choir too! Way to go big sister!