
Friday, November 30, 2012

Counting My Many Blessings

Before November ends today, I want to share some of my greatest blessings in my life. I have a loving and hard working husband, two beautiful daughters, a cuddly dog, a large supportive family, many wonderful friends, and a baby on the way! We are very excited especially since my daughters will be 14 and 10 years old when the baby arrives! I will have some very eager big sister help with the baby! Life is good when you count your many blessings!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thanksgiving in Sunny Arizona

On November 20-25, 2012, we spent our lovely Thanksgiving holiday weekend in sunny Arizona with several family members! We had a total of 92 people (family and close friends) at our Thanksgiving feast, which was held at a LDS church in Mesa, Arizona! My girls helped make the cute turkey table decorations. John and I were in charge of making four different jellos.  Our rainbow jello was gobbled up in a matter of minutes!  Below is a photograph of the grandchildren and great grand children that came!
These are John's parents, their children, and spouses. We were entertained by a couple musical numbers and enjoyed each other's company.  The next day was Jessica Free and Micah Hansen's wedding ,which they were sealed in the Mesa Arizona temple. Sadly, I didn't get a picture of the beautiful bride and lucky groom because I forgot to bring my cell phone. Here they are at Thanksgiving dinner though (photo by Joe Free)! They are the cutest couple!  We are so happy for them!
While in Arizona, my husband and girls went swimming in my in-law's pool.  It was very cold due to the temperature being 80 degrees outdoors, brrrr. They still had fun nonetheless!
After the beautiful wedding reception, we went to the Mesa Temple to see the gorgeous Christmas lights. The photo credit is by my niece Becca Free!
We enjoyed spending time with many extended family members. Little sister went to the park to feed ducks, ride a train, etc with cousins, uncle, and aunt. I loved watching a chic flick with the girls (Sabrina with Harrison Ford) while the boys went shooting. We ate tons of great food and stayed up late talking. What wonderful happy memories we will never forget! I love my family!!!