Best Books for Little Sis:
David Shannon Books
Fancy Nancy by Jane O'Conner
Jamie Lee Curtis Books such as Today I Feel Silly and I Am Going to Like Me.
Meg Cobot's Allie Finkle Series
Big Sister's Fave Books:
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

My Thoughts: I bought this hardback series in March 2011 from Costco. They sat on my shelf for months collecting dust. Big sister finally got around to reading them during the summer and begged me to read them too. She absolutely loved the series! In fact, she liked The Hunger Games series more than Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Saga. She was dying to share her thoughts with me, but could not without spoiling the story for me. When I finally got around to reading them this fall, I was hooked! I read all three of them in a couple days! What an incredible thriller book series filled with action, friendship, love, fashion, and survival. I loved the characters especially Katniss and Peeta! Even my husband read the Hunger Games in one day but did not get the chance to read the two following books. The last book Mocking Jay lost my interest a little bit in the beginning of the book but it got better in the middle and I was satisfied with the ending. I am looking forward to seeing The Hunger Games film in a couple weeks with my oldest daughter!
My Future Reading Picks:
I cannot wait to read the following books! I bought them a couple months ago and they are on my list to read this year! I will write a book review later!
The Best of Me by Nicholas Sparks
Matched by Ally Condle