
Monday, January 28, 2013

Da Vinci the Genius Exhibit in Salt Lake City

For our date night on Saturday January 26, 2013, My hubby and I went to The Leonardo at the Utah Museum for Science, Technology and Art.  There were several kid friendly stations through out the museum.   On the first floor, there is an art/music activity center where kids can create art (sketching, book art, crafts, learn about making a string instruments, etc).  John and I made "book art" by folding pages from an old book. John created a dragon and I just made a pop up book. Upstairs there are other exhibits one about nature (gallery with art work, movies, and displays) and another interactive museum about all sorts of technology such as leg prosthesis, making still motion films, the weather man "green screen" and several other fun things for the kids to occupy themselves for hours! We also purchased tickets for Da Vinci The Genius.  Basically it is a traveling exhibit that displays many of Leonardo Da Vinci's ideas!

It is impossible to imagine our world without Leonardo Da Vinci's brilliant contribution to science and music/art. He is not only famous for his Mona Lisa painting masterpiece he was also a brilliant scientist, inventor, sculptor, singer, and writer.   He mastered both his logical and creative side of his brain by inventing several amazing ideas such as (scuba diving gear, flotation devices, parachute, and helicopter).  He was an extraordinary artist who studied light, shadow, and reflection.  At the exhibit, we saw several samples of his sketches, architect models, paintings, and sculptures (a picture of his 23 feet size horse).  To my surprise, Da Vinci contributed some military engineering ideas by creating a tank, submarine, and military equipment/weapons. He understood civil engineering and physics. He came up with some machine ideas to carry water, place poles, lift heavy objects, etc).  He dabbled in music too by making  musical instruments (flute and drums) and loved to sing.  The medical professionals can thank Leonardo for dissecting and sketching detailed structures and functions of human anatomy! It was very fascinating to learn about Leonardo Da Vinci's life and see how many great things he accomplished.

After exploring the museum, we went to The Blue Iguana for some authentic Mexican food. The restaurant is located downtown Salt Lake City 165 South West Temple in the basement of  Benihana.  To my surprise, we didn't have to wait for a table on a Saturday night!  The waitress poured the water and served chips/salsa right away.  Then we ordered our food (chicken chimichanga and pork fajita platter) and less than seven minutes later our food was done! We barely had time to enjoy the chips and salsa!  So the service was quick and we enjoyed listening to the live Mexican musicians playing their guitar and singing. However, hubby and I were not very impressed with the food and maybe it was because we ordered the wrong thing on the menu. I did not like how spicy the red enchilada sauce was... Then my hubby ordered something that was supposed to be spicy and it was not hot enough for him... For the price we paid, we could get better food from a local cheaper place like Taco Amigo, Betos, or Costa Vida.  I doubt we will ever go back there ever again after that experience...

Monday, January 21, 2013

Free Exercise Workouts

Did you know you there are free sample exercise workouts on You Tube?  I typed in the words "Exercise T.V." in my Google search bar then clicked videos!  There are several workouts to choose from (kick boxing, bun/thighs, pilates, yoga, dance, abdominal, etc)!  I was amazed how many free work outs there are just a click away, woohoo! 

Since it has been too cold and very slippery to walk outdoors, I have found some great workouts to get my heart rate up a little bit in the comfort of my home.  I found the perfect low impact and easy workouts for me while pregnant in my second trimester! I am certain these work outs are safe up until I am ready to deliver my baby! They are called "Walk Away The Pounds" by Leslie Sansone.  There are a couple easy moves she does in addition to walking in place such as side steps, small kicks, leg lifts, marching, arm lifts, etc. Depending on my mood, I can walk in place between 1-4 miles (20-60 minute workouts)or do some light weights (two pounds)for arm toning. Here are a few of my favorite FREE work outs that I have tried from You Tube! 

Walking at Home One Mile 

Walking at Home Two Miles

Walking at Home Three Miles 

Walking Three Mile and Abs

Walking Four Miles (boosted 52 minutes)

Walking at Home Five Miles (70 minute workout)

Walk and Tone

Easy Upper Body Workout (58 minutes)

Walk at Home Five Mile 68 Minute Workout
If you want to break it up into one mile each click on these.
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five

If you are interested in purchasing any of Leslie's DVD's, I highly recommend Ultimate Collection DVD, which is easy and fun to do. It includes a resistance band in the DVD and you need 1-2 pound weights(you could easily use two soup cans)! You do not need a lot of space to do these easy, low impact, and fun workouts! My goal is to gain weight slowly during my pregnancy and not exceed over 20 pounds!  Hopefully doing these simple workouts and eating healthy will help me achieve my goal!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Sneak Peek at Baby

Peek-A-Boo, Pink or Blue?
Our First Glimpse (Author Unknown)
Today we saw
Our first glimpse of you
A little piece of heaven
Our dream came true
The day we will meet 
Seems so far away
But until you're ready
In my tummy safely stay
Our gift from God
Sent from heaven above
For us to cherish
And forever to love.
We announced our baby's gender on Facebook by sharing a precious video of big sisters each opening a package that reveals the gender! The Gender Reveal Video  Here are some pictures below! They were very excited to be big sisters to a little brother (a boy is a joy)! I have 20 more weeks to go!!!

Monday, January 07, 2013

Season of Snow * Winter Scraps *

Since it it BRRRRR cold outside (currently 15 degrees outdoors) and we are surrounded by a lot of snow, I thought I would share some of my winter scraps!
Frosty Fun, 2010
Credits: I used Frosted Flakes kit by Dani Mogstad and Catherine's College Days font.
Winter Wonderland, 2006
Credits: I used the Winter Wonderland kit by Shabby Princess.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

2013 New Year's Resolutions

Credits: The chalk board is by Jaimee Kaiser also known as Just Jaimee. As for the fonts, I used grumble and FO-giggles.

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow." 
-Albert Einstein

Here are my New Year's resolutions that I would like to accomplish in my household during 2013:   
  • Read the Book of Mormon every day during breakfast as a family.
  • Have family home evening once a week(usually Sunday works best for our busy schedules).  
  • Encourage my girls to make their beds every day and keep their rooms clean.  
  • Exercise and eat better as a family(I would like to only gain 15-20 pounds during my entire pregnancy). 
  • Read conference talks and positive thinking books daily.
  • Have a(glass half full) positive attitude by always looking on the bright side of things!
  • Reading list: Reached by Ally Condie, Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, First Sight, and True Believer by Nicholas Sparks.
  • Continue to work on digital scrap-booking projects by getting organized and caught up before the baby comes in June.
  • Try a new recipe from Pinterest twice a month.
  • Blog more and surf the internet less!
  • De-clutter the household in closets, storage room, John's shed, book shelves, drawers, etc.
  • Serve others by smiling, sharing treats, and doing special acts of service for other people.